Darts(Bring Your Own)
Snacks and drinks availible for purchase. Come have a fun activity filled night and meet some cool new people! 18+
* First Friday of every month.
Feb 16th Come on down to the hall from 1-4pm to enjoy family bingo, afterwards adults can enjoy adult only bingo from 6-9pm. Cards are 25¢ each and chips and there will be hotdogs for sale for $3.50.
Feb 17th: Come on down to the rink for some family skating fun. There are skates and helmets to borrow at the rink but only a limited supply, first come first serve. There will be a burger combo including a burger, bag of chips and a pop on sale for $5.
For more details contact our President Amy: [email protected]
We’re looking for vendors for our annual Christmas Market! If you are interested, email Scott at: [email protected]
Come check out some of your favourite vendors and make some new favouritest
Boozi Bombs & Blankets
Jaime's Sweets N Treats
For Fudge Sakes
Silver Bell Jewelry
Custom Scented Soaps
The EECA seniors program is selling Grey Cup Tickets again this year! The money made from tickets sales goes towards the Christmas Hampers which are given to those in need in our Community.
To purchase tickets, can email Al at: [email protected] - Tickets are $1 a piece
We’re looking for vendors for our annual Christmas Market! If you are interested, email Scott at: [email protected]
In Order for the EECA to be more financially sustainable and save money to use for various programs and events for the entire community, the EECA board of directors made the decision to relocate the Seniors program into the Hall.
Is the Seniors Program Closing/Shutting Down
- No, the seniors program will continue to run but will now be operating out of the EECA Hall. The program will not be operational for a few weeks to accommodate the moving of items over to the hall. The Seniors program will restart on July 2nd
Free Access to: EG Skate rink and Clareview Swim (Sat 6-8pm)
Access to:
Reduced Hall Rentals
EG Senior Program
EG Garden Program
EG Adult Games
EG Family Programs
Sports Programs (EG and City)
EECA is a part of the NEZ Sports Associaction. In order to play sports your child needs a Community League Membership.
Evergreen is a mobile home park nestled in a beautiful, naturally wooded ravine in north east Edmonton. Today, the park is a thriving community with approximately 1,500 people and 640 homes. Established around 1970, most of the growth in the park occurred between 1970 and 1979. Evergreen offers many leisure and recreational activities for everyone.
Edmonton Evergreen Community Association (EECA) was established in 1982 and has been active ever since with hundreds of volunteers over the years planning a number of community wide family events each year. EECA also provides and maintains amenities such as a community hall, an outdoor rink, a skate shack and a playground A community league is a volunteer, not-for-profit organization formed to meet the needs and interests of residents within a defined geographic area. Any resident within the boundaries of the community may become a member. EECA exists for its members and strives to ensure that all activities are conducted with courtesy and respect and without discrimination.
Evergreen instills a small town experience where a sense of belonging and community pride is promoted by its residents. Evergreen is a safe and respectful community where neighbours help neighbours.
EECA instills a sense of home by enhancing the quality of life for its residents through its facilities, programs, and events which seek to include all cultures, ages, and abilities.
We provide a voice of advocacy on issues that impact our neighbourhood by both developing a positive relationship with governing bodies and building partnerships with other organizations.